By ZHANG Hongyu's Group
Dr. Zhang is currently leading a research project aimed at constructing organic solid emitters based on a very small p-system. They designed and synthesized single-benzene-based molecules that display highly efficient pure red emission in the crystalline state. Moreover, such unique fluorophores featuring high crystallinity show excellent amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) with low threshold. This work was published in the journal of Angewandte Chemie in August 2017 (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, 56, 12543).
During their study of single benzene based fluorophores, they found that highly elastic bending crystals with intense emission could be readily prepared by a unique “self-doping” process. In addition, the flexible optical waveguide and ASE are realized in the bended crystals, highlighting the feature of “elasticity” and the potential application in flexible optoelectronics. The work was recently published in the journal of Advanced Materials in April 2018(Adv.Mater.2018,30,1800814).